AI and Satellite Sensor Data Powered Golf Course energy, safety and pace of play Optimization

Your world now

With current prices mid-size Golf course or equivalent public green surface basic energy bills per year in EU/UK equal to more than 1M+ EUR, with the opportunity cost of inefficient maintenance organization and play optimization the total loss for golf course can amount to more than 2M+ EUR a year. A multi course management company like the The Troon manages 200+ such courses, you can do the math!

E2O.GREEN world

Intelligent consumer solution powered by GNSS, AI, AR, EO and IoT to enable Golf Course and  Green Space Management companies to effectively manage assets, operations, pace of play and land fields with a powerful combination of satellite and drones imagery, in situ data from proprietary Galileo enabled IoT sensors all connected to AR and computer vision models.

Key green space management recommendations are delivered to our customers through a user friendly Web App providing for 30% cost cut on all green space maintenance bills that can amount to more than 1M€+ per year.